Solving Network and Firewall Connection Issues

Solving Network and Firewall Connection Issues

Ensure a smoother connection experience by troubleshooting and resolving network and firewall-related issues that may arise during use.

1. If you’re trying to make calls to and from a network behind a corporate firewall or through a VPN, ensure that your network’s Firewall/VPN setup allows access to the following domains:

80,443TCPWebRTC scripts
WebRTC signaling
prod-ks.pluot.blue80,443TCPICE negotiation
* (all hosts)40000-65534UCPMedia communication

List of IPs: https://www.twilio.com/docs/stun-turn/regions
443,5349TCPMedia communication (TURN)

List of IPs: https://www.twilio.com/docs/stun-turn/regions
3478UDP,TCPICE negotiation (STUN)

List of IPs:
443,5349TCPMedia communication (TURN)

List of IPs:
3478UDP,TCPICE negotiation (STUN)

2. For more information, refer to our firewall traversal guide at https://docs.daily.co/private/firewall-traversal-guide

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