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Hosting Gloww Sessions In-Person

Hosting Gloww Sessions In-Person

Gloww’s Hybrid Mode enables including in-person participants in your session, allowing them to engage in interactive activities like quizzes, buzzer, polls and word-clouds from their personal devices while viewing the session content on the main screen. Follow these steps to set up your session:

1. Click on ‘Start’ in the top right bar to go live.

2. Connect to a display: Set up your room’s main screen or projector.

3. Start ‘Presentation Mode’ to display the main content and joining instructions on the screen.

4. In-person participants can easily connect in three ways:

  1. Scan the QR code displayed on the screen with their smartphones.
  1. Visit and enter a 6-digit passcode.
  1. Click on the invitation link sent in advance from a mobile device and select ‘Joining In-person?’ on the join screen.

5. In-person participants can participate in interactive activities on their personal devices without audio or video, while viewing the content on the main screen.

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