Gloww Hybrid and In-Person Sessions

Gloww Hybrid and In-Person Sessions

Gloww offers a versatile set of features for hosting interactive sessions, whether you’re meeting in-person or remotely. With Gloww’s Hybrid Mode, you can seamlessly integrate in-person participants from a meeting room with remote participants, creating vibrant and engaging sessions that keep everyone connected. You can even host Gloww sessions using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or any other video conferencing tool.

Hosting Gloww Sessions 

Hosting Gloww Sessions

Including in-person participants allowing them to engage in interactive activities from their personal devices while viewing the session content on the main screen.

Hosting Hybrid Sessions 
with Gloww

Hosting Hybrid Sessions
with Gloww

Hosting hybrid sessions allows including both in-person participants from a meeting room together with remote participants.

Hosting Gloww Sessions Using Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet

Hosting Gloww Sessions Using Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet

Integrating with popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet.

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